Winter Park Elementary

Winter Park Dophins logo. Est. 1912

Kids First!


School Improvement Plan

Our school improvement plan can be found at
Indistar Logo    Indistar
For information on meeting minutes and our updated School Improvement Plan, visit the above Indistar link.
Parent Login
Guest Login: guests16944
Password: guests16944

Comprehensive Needs Assessment (2023-2024)
Click the link for access to historical and current data, as well as our needs assessment (conducted at the start of each school year to set goals and priorities for the year). 

Committee Members 
*Committee members were newly elected by digital secret ballot in July 2023*
Brent Hall, Principal  
Tara Mulvey, Gifted Specialist (chair)
Maggie Johnson, Kindergarten Rep 
Taylor Mathews, First Grade Rep
Cathy Getchell, Second Grade Rep 
Lindsay Kahrs, Third Grade Rep 
Alyssa Coe, Fourth Grade Rep 
Sara Price, Fifth Grade Rep
John Pellizzari, Focus Staff Rep 
Natalie Rodgers, Media Specialist
Mandi Kausak, 3-5 Instructional Coach/MTSS
Erika Roach, K-2 Instructional Coach/MTSS
Jacqui Dalessio, EC Rep
Margaret Kotz, Counselor
Matthew Bigham, EC Paraeducator Rep
Colleen Hurley, General Ed Paraeducator
Virginia Bledsole, Parent Rep
Jordan Gibble, Parent Rep
Key Hammond, Parent Rep